Moscow in demand ahead of World Cup; terror-hit Paris still a tourists’ paradiseedit
A year ahead of the Fifa World Cup in Russia, several Kolkatans are visting Moscow and other Russian cities this summer. However, Paris remains the favourite despite the terror attacks.
Southeast Asia remains a top draw for first-time travellers to foreign locales with Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Hong Kong, China and Macau being the top picks. Myanmar and Sri Lanka are steadily gaining popularity following direct flights to Yangon and Colombo.
My Picksedit
Destination positano, Italy, for the combination of sea, charm and food. Also, Hong Hong for its vibrancy.
Foreign Vacations Now A Summer Weekend Getawayedit
Thailand, Hong Kong and Bali closer home, with cheaper accommodation options, people no longer have to wait for that long break. Even Japan, China, and countries in the Middle East and South Africa are now ideal for a long weekend.