Airfares soar as Indians pack bags for foreign getawaysedit
The Times of India – Print, Bangalore
Making last-minute plans for an international holiday this summer will leave you sweating. Spot ticket prices to popular destinations have gone up by as much as 30% from last summer with London witnessing the fastest jump in airfares. But even these high spot fares are not deterring last minute holidayers.
Sandeep Sekhri: Fine-dining in Hong Kongedit
Live mint – Online
MINT – Print, Mumbai, Delhi, and Bangalore
So when a job opportunity in Hong Kong came up, he jumped at it. First, he looked it up on a map. “It was the pre-Internet days,” he reminds me. “I had no clue where Hong Kong was.” He worked at The Viceroy of India from 1990-92. From 1992-95, Sekhri worked as general manager at The Gaylord Indian Restaurant. In 1995, he became the managing director and shareholder/partner in Harilela Strategic Investments Ltd, which managed seven restaurants, among other things.
Memoranda of understanding with Hong Kong, Singapore firms to bring in Rs 18,000 croreedit
The Times of India – Online
Haryana chief minister Manohar Lal Khattar said on Friday that the five memoranda of understanding (MOUs) signed during his recent visit to Singapore and Hong Kong would not only garner an investment of Rs 18,000 crore for the state, but would also provide employment to about 10,000 people. Interacting with newspersons here after his return on Thursday, Khattar said during his visit to these countries, 14 MOUs were signed out of which nine were in advanced stages of implementation, whereas work was apace on the remaining five.
Better times? Hong Kong’s British nostalgia tripedit
Travel Wire News – Online
From its rattling trams and racecourses to its legal system and the ubiquitous consumption of Spam, Britain’s colonial legacy still resonates through Hong Kong. But almost 20 years since the city was handed back to China under a deal that made it semi-autonomous, colonial emblems have become a symbol of protest.