Hong Kong residents seek British passports amid fears for futureedit
Financial Chronicle – Print | Mumbai, Delhi, & Bangalore
Yahoo News – Online
Reuters – Online
Many Hong Kong residents, worried about growing encroachment by Beijing as the financial hub marks 20 years since its return to China, are rushing to secure British passports as a safety net in the case of social unrest or the erosion of civil liberties.
Hong Kong residents rush to get British passportsedit
DNA – Print | Delhi
Many Hong Kong residents, worried about growing encroachment by Beijing as the financial hub marks 20 years since its return to China, are rushing to secure British passports as a safety net in the case of social unrest or the erosion of civil liberties. British government data, diplomatic sources and testimonials from six Hong Kong residents paint a picture of rising anxiety over the future and growing mistrust of Communist Party leaders in Beijing, especially among the younger generation.
Hong Kong bound? Here’s everything you need to know about its historyedit
Hindustan Times – Online
Modern-day Hong Kong is best known for its sprawl of skyscrapers, a bustling financial hub off the southern coast of mainland China and a regional conduit for trade.