July 19, 2017


The View from the Hotel Windowedit

Travel Tales From India – Online

And then there was the Royal View Hotel in Hong Kong. The trip was special because my daughter and niece traveled abroad for the first time. I was the only adult on this trip. We had a double bedroom suite and of course the kids took the master bedroom.

Soon, you can embark on a cruise holiday from Mumbai at best ever pricesedit

Mid-Day – Online

With cruises beginning from INR 20,999/-, CruiseMeOut has a diverse variety of beautiful destinations ranging from Malaysia, Hong-Kong, Thailand, Greece, Spain, Malta, Barcelona, Finland, Russia just to name a few the more, the merrier! Interestingly, CruiseMeOut provides quick and easy bookings! Travellers can book a cruise with CruiseMeOut for a date as close as day after tomorrow.

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