Hong Kong team on goodwill visitedit
Nyoooz – Online
The Hong Kong team informed the entrepreneurs on how to take advantage of the array of business services provided by HKTD. The team advised him to send a delegation to logistics conference being held in Hong Kong in November. Monish Row expressed satisfaction over the visit of the team and declared that there was huge potential to explore ties between Hong Kong and Andhra Pradesh in several areas like infrastructure, logistics and food processing.
Visit Hong Kong – First Impressions of the island cityedit
Inditales.com – Online
When I was planning to visit Hong Kong, to me, it just stood for banking and financial services. I could visualize its glass and steel skyscrapers with bankers in their designer pinstriped suits and latest mobile phones. Well, that image has not changed after the trip, but many more aspects of Hong Kong now make up this city-state. Earlier this year I had written a post for Hong Kong Tourism Board talking about my Hong Kong Wish List and I am so happy that I could visit most of it within a few month’s time. It’s like the Travel Gods were really tuned in.
Hong Kong Visitors Offered Free Tours to Explore the City’s Treasuresedit
New Kerala – Online
Visitors traveling on Cathay Pacific Airways to Hong Kong for three nights or more will have their choice of four exciting sightseeing tours, the Hong Kong Tourism Board (HKTB) announced today in collaboration with its local tourism partners.
Hong Kong set to see strong rebound in mainland tours for Golden Weekedit
Reuters | Investing.com – Online
Hong Kong is expected to see a massive rebound in the number of tour groups from mainland China during the Golden Week holiday starting this weekend, providing a welcome boost to the city’s retailers.