October 26, 2017


Ask The Travel Expertedit

The Economic Times – Print

Rakshit Desai, Managing Director, FCM Travel Solutions India, Flight Centre Travel Group Australia’s Indian subsidiary, answers your questions on Travel — howtos, trends, recommendations and more. Send in your questions to: askrakshit@in.fcm.travel.(Hong Kong, Australia)


Sonali Kulkarni cuts her holiday short!edit

DNA – Online

Sonali Kulkarni, who had gone on a holiday to Hong Kong with her family, had to cut her vacation short to reach Mumbai in time for Swartarang 2017, a police event. But the actress is not complaining.

Louis Vuitton Gives Way to Bar in Hong Kong’s New Retail Mixedit

 – Online

To gauge how much the Hong Kong shopping experience is changing, take a walk through Pacific Place mall. Burberry Group Plc has shrunk its store and the space now also houses a Pure yoga studio and juice bar. Coach Inc. has been replaced by a tea company. Some of Louis Vuitton’s space has given way to a Southern California-style bar and restaurant

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