November 9, 2017


Top City Destinations Ranking Dominated by Asia-Pacificedit

News 18 – Online

Hong Kong tops a list of the most visited cities in the world for international arrivals, in a new ranking which confirms that Asia-Pacific is the world’s leading tourism powerhouse thanks to the “unstoppable” rise of Chinese outbound tourism. In the latest tourism ranking from global market research provider Euromonitor, the top 10 list of the most visited cities is dominated by cities across Asia-Pacific which take up more than half the index.


Hong Kong’s economy on track to post solid third-quarter growthedit

Investing | BTVI – Online

Hong Kong’s economy is expected to have clocked solid growth in the third quarter, aided by improving retail sales, a pick-up in tourists from mainland China and strong global trade. The former British colony has seen brighter economic data in the past few months as buoyant stock and property markets helped boost consumer spending, prompting the government to raise its full-year growth outlook to 3-4 percent.

Travellers, take note: Hong Kong is the world’s top city for international visitsedit

Hindustan Times – Online

Hong Kong is set to retain its status as the city most visited by international travellers this year in spite of strained relations with mainland China. In a report published on Tuesday, market research firm Euromonitor International said it estimates 25.7 million arrivals in Hong Kong this year, down 3.2% on 2016.

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