November 20, 2017


Mckey Mouse to turn 89 on November 18; sneak peek into the grand birthday celebrationedit

India Tv News – Online

The Walt Disney theme parks in California, Disneyland, Paris, Hong Kong, Shanghai and Tokyo will also organise a huge birthday celebration. Visitors can pick up ”Happy Birthday, Mickey!” buttons, merchandise and Sorcerer Mickey cake at Disney World.

Tourism Destinations That Have Changed Drastically in 30 Years: Travelogue Podcastedit

CN Traveler – Online

San Francisco’s new gleaming veneer, we learn, is a result of both human nature and Mother Nature, but the results don’t sit well with those priced out of neighborhoods they once called home. And in Hong Kong, a city that thrives off a breakneck approach to development, the traditional is being all but consumed by the modern.


HK hiking and cycling routes to attract overseas visitoredit

Menafn – Online

The Hong Kong Tourism Board will launch a campaign to promote the city’s natural beauty in Japan, South Korea and Taiwan, which it expects will draw 3,000 nature-lovers to visit over the five months of the campaign, Oriental Daily reported.

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