November 29, 2017


Top Countries for Michelin 3-Star Restaurantsedit

The Economic Times – Mumbai The Economic Times – Delhi The Economic Times – Bangalore

The Michelin Guide has been awarding stars to select restaurants for excellence since 1926 and today, they still serve as a major benchmark for exceptional quality. When a star is awarded, a restaurant is recognised as being very good in its category while a second stands for excellent cooking that’s worth a detour. Very few places manage to gain three stars and that signifies exceptional cuisine worth a special journey.(Hong Kong)

Explore the seven heavens in South-East Asia with Hasta-la-Visaedit

The Hindu – Online

“East meets West”Hong Kong lives up to this term. It has a great combination of Eastern and Western cultures when it comes to food, shopping and culture. It is an exciting, vibrant city where you’re sure to find joy in every corner of the country. Known to many as the “Shoppers’ Paradise”, Hong Kong’s enchanting neighbourhood and islands are a treat to the eyes.



Couple travels from UK to Hong Kong on public transportedit

The Times of India – Print

A retired British couple decided to visit their son in Hong Kong using only public transport to complete the over 19,000km journey from their Oxford home. While Phil and Emma Whiting could have flown there from London in less than 12 hours, they opted to spend eight weeks travelling to their final destination on trains, buses, ferries, taxis, horses and a cable car.


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