December 26, 2017


An Asian Travelleredit

An Asian Traveller – Online

Be it Vietnam to Hong Kong or Singapore to Malaysia, Seat 61 covers them all in extreme detail. Hands down one of the best transport information websites I’ve seen so far. A special recommendation for train lovers as well !.

Things Indians Are Willing To Give Up For A Day’s Vacation: Sex, Alcohol And Internetedit

Today Viral USA – Online

The World Vibe – Online

S4news – Online

News18 – Online

When used to be the final time you took a holiday? You don’t seem to be on my own if it used to be a yr in the past. Maximum Indians will inform you they’re holiday disadvantaged. Consistent with a survey, India is the 5th maximum holiday disadvantaged nation on the planet. That’s after South Korea (82 consistent with cent), France (66 consistent with cent), Malaysia (65 consistent with cent) and Hong Kong (64 consistent with cent).

Christmas Celebrations Across The Worldedit

Republic World – Online

A Catholic nun assists Kosovar children dressed as angels in Cathedral of St. Mother Teresa in Kosovo capital Pristina. Penguins dress up for Christmas at Harbin Polarland, in Harbin, China. Penguins dress up for Christmas at Harbin Polarland, in Harbin, China. Shopping mall decorated during Christmas eve in Hong Kong. Shopping mall decorated during Christmas eve in Hong Kong.


It starts with a smile: A photographer travels through India, attempting to challenge stereotypesedit

Scroll – Online

She was walking towards the beach, past the roller-coasters and other attractions of Luna Park, in St. Kilda, Melbourne, Australia…so I asked her to smile. She was walking with a friend one overcast afternoon, in the intriguing and vibrant comic book themed section of Kowloon Park, in Kowloon, Hong Kong…so I asked her to smile.

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