June 25, 2018


A Gentleman’s Indulgencesedit

MINT – Delhi MINT – Mumbai MINT — Bangalore

I’m landing in Hong Kong in a short while, hoping to be greeted by perhaps the finest house car that exists. While the cabin crew prepares for arrival, I have enough time to rev up my alltime favourite lineup. The smashingly chic 137 Pillars in Bangkok introduced me to Louie, a classic London cab all kitted out with its own champagne bar, which, though far removed from Tower Bridge, is perfect for zipping around Thonglor.


Visit the land of Skyscrapers: Hong Kongedit

The Indian Movie Channel – Online

Hong Kong is vibrant and a lively city, especially when the culture, shopping, food, and architecture are considered. This place can provide you with everything that your heart desires for. Located in the southern part of China, visiting Hong Kong was special for me mainly because it was my first international trip as an adult! If you know what I mean! Although the place is overflowing with people all the time and so it won’t be surprising to know that this place is one of the most densely populated areas in the World. Even with the crowd nearly everywhere, Hong Kong still attracts millions of tourists every year.

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