October 29, 2018


Here Are Some Of The Cheapest Michelin-starred Meals in the Worldedit

The Economic Times -Print (Bangalore)

The Economic Times -Print (Delhi)

The Economic Times -Print (Mumbai)

China Opens World’s Longest Sea Bridgeedit

Mail Today– Print (Delhi)

China has opened the world’s longest sea-crossing bridge of 55 km linking semi-autonomous regions of Hong Kong and Macau. Costing about $20-billion, the bridge took almost a decade. It includes an undersea tunnel allowing ships to pass through the Pearl River delta.


A Bong in Hong Kongedit

The Free Press Journal – Print (Mumbai)

The Free Press Journal– Online

A s the plan landed at the awe-inspiring Hong Kong International Airport, built on the Lan Tau island, I was greeted by the majestic hills in the distance and the vast expanse of water with countless small islands sprinkled in the South China Sea

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