12 fabulous places to fly to this Christmasedit
Conde Nast Traveller– Online
If you didn’t manage to plan a vacation earlier, don’t sweat. While tickets to some destinations may cost you an arm and a leg during Christmas, there are still a few that may not burn a hole in your pocket.(Hong Kong)
SpiceJet unveils flights from Delhi to Hong Kongedit
The Hindu -Print-Mumbai The Hindu -Print-Delhi The Hindu -Print- Bangalore
The Quint-Online
Business Standard -Print-Mumbai Business Standard -Print-Delhi Business Standard -Print- Bangalore
Business Standard-Online
The Economic Times– Online The Financial Express – Online The Hindu Business Line– Online The Pioneer– Print-Delhi
Mail Today-Print-Delhi
Budget carrier SpiceJet launched a daily direct flight service to Hong Kong from New Delhi, seeking to tap the growing business and leisure travel demand, besides eyeing the Indian student community there
Other side of Hong Kongedit
The Hindu Business Line Online The Hindu Business Line Print- Mumbai The Hindu Business Line Print- Delhi The Hindu Business Line Print- Bangalore
“What would you possibly find in Hong Kong,” I had asked my friend, an outdoor educator, who had moved there a year ago. My scepticism couldn’t have been more off the mark a recent visit to Hong Kong introduced me to its great outdoors, a world that has by and large been swept under the island’s glitzy carpet of shopping and skyscrapers.