Something’s about to float down Hong Kong’s Victoria Harbouredit
Conde Nast Traveller (Online)
American contemporary art star Brian Donnelly, also known as KAWS, is taking a companion on a holiday to Hong Kong. For 10 days, beginning 22 March, a 121-foot-long inflatable installation of his famous “Companion” figures will float down the Victoria Harbour.
High on Hong Kongedit
Times of India (Print-Bangalore)
The moment you reach Hong Kong, you are mesmerized with the very first sight of the city; it feels like you have been transported to a different world.
Here’s why Hong Kong is a must-see summer destinationedit
Times Travel (Online)
Deemed as one of the greatest cities in the world; vibrant Hong Kong makes for a fascinating destination due to its rich history, cultural diversity, innumerable attractions to engage people of all ages, and for its many faces that are waiting to be discovered.