The top 15 countries with the most billionaires, rankededit
Business Insider – Online web
All the top Asia Pacific countries China, Hong Kong, India, and Singapore saw a decrease in billionaires and billionaire wealth due to a decline in equity markets, according to the report. Meanwhile, major European countries saw both decreases and increases in billionaires, depending on economic factors.
Hong Kongedit
The Pioneer – Delhi
Local residents perform a kirin dance during a parade on the outlying Cheung Chau island in Hong Kong to celebrate the Bun Festival Sunday, May 12,2019. Thousands of local residents and tourists flocked to an outlying island in Hong Kong to celebrate a local bun festival on Sunday.
Bun Festivaledit
The Asian Age – Print – Delhi The Asian Age – Print – Mumbai
A woman dressed in traditional Chinese clothing dances in a parade during the Cheung Chau Bun Festival in Hong Kong on Sunday.