June 28, 2019


IRCTCs Enchanting China: Explore Hong Kong and Macau at only INR 164990 for 10N/11Dedit

The Times of India– Online

You need not wait for a special time to visit foreign destinations like Hong Kong and Macau, when a special tour package is being offered by IRCTC starting at only INR 164990 per person. The trip, named Enchanting China, covers 10 nights and 11 days and starts from August 8, 2019.

10 most expensive cities for expats: 8 out of 10 are in Asiaedit

Money Control – Online

Hong Kong The city has retained its title as the worlds most expensive city for expatriates over the strong demand for quality accommodation which is popular with expatriate communities.



Spice Jet launches nonstop flight to Hong Kongedit

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SpiceJet has launched daily nonstop flights connecting Indias financial capital, Mumbai with Hong Kong. The shares ...

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