August 21, 2019


Thailand Extends Visa Fee Waivers For India, 17 Other Countries to Boost Tourism as Growth Slowsedit

News 18  – CNBC TV18 – Online

Thailand will extend until April next year a measure that waives fees for visas on arrival issued to tourists from 18 countries, as it looks to stimulate growth in tourism to spur a slowing economy, the prime minister said on Tuesday.

Around 1 mn Indian tourists visited Dubai in six monthsedit

Orissa Post – Online

Out of the 8.36 million international overnight visitors that Dubai welcomed in the first six months of 2019, a whopping 997,000 visitors were from India, according to data released by Dubai Tourism Tuesday.


Destinations To Unwind Inedit

Business World – Online

The global dynamics of tourism throw up bewildering data. Japan and Hong Kong, both get 28 million tourists a year, who spend $1,200 per capita. Far-flung Australia, which only attracts nine million tourists annually, manages to entice an expenditure of $4,500 per head.


Destinations To Unwind Inedit

Business World – Online

The global dynamics of tourism throw up bewildering data. Japan and Hong Kong, both get 28 million tourists a year, who spend $1,200 per capita. Far-flung Australia, which only attracts nine million tourists annually, manages to entice an expenditure of $4,500 per head.

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