Getting Married This Winter These Are The Hottest Honeymoon Spots For Youedit
Idiva – Online
If you havent been able to get ample leaves for your wedding and honeymoon, and can barely squeeze out 34 days for your honeymoon, the best option for you would be to go to Koh Samui, Thailands second largest island. Lets admit it guys, Krabi Islands and Phi Phi Islands are done to death, and its now time to consider other options.
5 of the most expensive cities in the world that need to be on your travel bucket listedit
Times Now News – Online
Singapore has been ranked as No 1 since 2014 as the most expensive cities in the world. Its the one city that everyone wants to visit in Asia. With Crazy Rich Asians shot in Singapore, not everyone can afford the luxurious lifestyle. But when you visit Singapore, ensure to visit Sentosa Islands, Universal Studios, binge eat on desi good in Little India and walk down the Orchard Street.
Travel: Hungry in Hong Kongedit
Hindustan Times – Online
If the best holidays are about food, this island city is a treat for your taste buds