Robust Tourism Growthedit
The Economic Times – Print – Delhi, Bangalore and Mumbai
International tourist arrivals grew 5% in 2018 to reach the 1.4 billion mark, according to World Tourism Organisation data. Export earnings generated by tourism rose to $1.7 trillion*, an increase of 4%. Here’s a list of top 10 destination countries…(Thailand)
10 Deliciously Luxurious Four Seasons Experiences: Pick Your Favoritesedit
Forbes -Online
Four Seasons Hotel Hong Kong.Cheese, please! Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts4 Indulge in a Cave Fromage. The Four Seasons Hotel Hong Kong heralds an extraordinary eight Michelin stars among its restaurantsthe only hotel in the world to have earned that achievement.
Travel with prideedit
Mint – Print – Delhi, Mumbai and Bangalore, Live Mint – Online
Hong Kong, Mexico City, Cape Town, Rio de Janeiro and Melbourne also make the cut. As does Tel Aviv in Israel, which was voted “The Most Gay-Friendly City in the World” by an NYC-based non-profit tourism promotion organization, Wow Travel. The city hosts the largest Pride parade in West Asia—some 250,000 people marched in celebration in June on Tel Aviv Pride’s 21st anniversary.