October 1, 2019


TGTM 2019: Thailand maps out golf tourism strategy for Indiaedit

Voyagers World – Online web

As international golfing champion Tom Watson once famously said, A great golf course both frees and challenges a golfers mind. From the looks of it, Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) is on course to make the country a golfers paradise.

Malaysia Eyes Indian Wedding Segmentedit

Travel Trends Today – Online

Malaysia Eyes Indian Wedding Segment Tourism Malaysia and Wedding Affair have jointly organised Malaysia Wedding Conclave in New Delhi recently. The event aims at highlighting the unparalleled potential of Malaysia on the wedding destination map.


Smart Traveller: Navigating the Hong Kong Zhuhai Macau Bridgeedit

Business Traveller India – Online web

Hong Kong Zhuhai Macau Bridge The ins and outs of travel across the HZMB The 55kmlong Hong Kong Zhuhai Macau Bridge (HZMB) is the worlds longest crosssea bridge, linking its eponymous three cities two Special Administrative Regions and one mainland Chinese city together by land for the first time.

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