December 4, 2019


Hollywood Stars Embarked On A Journey Of Self Discovery In Dubai & We Have The Details!edit

IDIVA – Online

But, if you are looking to a unique experience then you have to see Dubai the Zoe Saldana way, by flying above the desert in hot air balloons and biking through the sand dunes in the day to experience the Dubai Frame as it comes to life with the city in the night.

Bali heading toward drought like situation; over tourism one of the causesedit

The Times of India – Online

Bali, which has been attracting tourists all this while with its pristine beauty, is likely heading toward a drought like situation and acute water shortage. And rising tourism is looked upon as the most plausible cause for this. The latest report has it that rivers in the region are drying up, and will likely disrupt life not only in Bali but also in Indonesia.

Here is why Singapore is bustling with touristsedit

News Mobile – Online

As the demonstrations turned increasingly violent, some conferences, such as the Global Wellness Summit, moved their events to Singapore. The protests in Hong Kong have led businesses to relocate events and meetings to locations in Singapore and neighboring countries such as Thailand, according to hotel industry billionaire William Heinecke.

Asian cities dominate list of popular destinations in 2019edit

Money ControlBusiness Standard, The PrintLive MintEntrepreneur, Business WireEdition CNN,

The Indian ExpressTraveller – Online

Global market research company Euromonitor International has published a list of Top 100 City Destinations for 2019. The cities have been ranked according to the estimated international arrivals. Hong Kong, Special Administrative Region of China Estimated International arrivals: 26.7 million.


Planning a trip abroad? Here’s why you should finance it with a personal loanedit

India Tv News – Online

An international trip allows you to experience a whole new culture, environment, and cuisine and promises unforgettable memories too. As per the UN World Tourism Organisation, over 50 million Indians are estimated to go overseas in 2019.


Asian cities dominate list of popular destinations in 2019edit

Money ControlBusiness Standard, The PrintLive MintEntrepreneur, Business WireEdition CNN,

The Indian ExpressTraveller – Online

Global market research company Euromonitor International has published a list of Top 100 City Destinations for 2019. The cities have been ranked according to the estimated international arrivals. Hong Kong, Special Administrative Region of China Estimated International arrivals: 26.7 million.

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