March 2, 2020


Hrithik Roshan is enjoying his Dubai sojournedit

E Times – Online

Recent reports suggest that Hrithik Roshan is keen to act in international projects. It is being said that the star has reportedly been signed on by California based Gersh Agency, which will represent him in Hollywood.


Luxurious Vacation Ideas Around the Worldedit

Luxury Travel Magazine – Online

We all want a vacation because it’s an opportunity to get away from the busy world, and a great way to spend quality time with friends or family. It is also a chance to unwind. Different individuals, however, have various ideas about what makes for an unforgettable vacation. Most people would prefer to stay in their respective countries and drive through the countryside in a motorhome or a cool sports car.

Here’s why Wellness Tourism in India and South Asia is Trendingedit

News GramCNBC TV18

The rise of wellness tourism in India and South Asia is a trend many are taking notice of. Pixabay “Travellers are expecting these experiences to give them somewhat a new outlook towards the world or themselves.

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