WTTC shows a 50% increase in jobs at risk in Travel & Tourismedit
Travel Trends Today – Online
WTTC shows a 50% increase in jobs at risk in Travel & Tourism Up to 75 million jobs are at immediate risk in global Travel & Tourism due to the coronavirus pandemic, according to the World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC).
Coronavirus outbreak: Travellers pay attention! Heres what you can do during lockdownedit
The Financial Express – Online
Coronavirus, coronavirus outbreak, coronavirus pandemic, coronavirus impact on tourism, coronavirus impact, coronavirus impact on economy, coronavirus impact in India, coronavirus lockdown, coronavirus travellers what to do, lockdown suggestions during coronavirus, what to do at home during coronavirus
Art Basel Hong Kong goes virtual with Online Viewing Roomsedit
Daiji World – Online
Art Basel’s Online Viewing Rooms (OVR) debuted an international lineup of 235 leading galleries from 31 countries and territories, presenting over 2,000 premier artworks intended to be showcased at Art Basel Hong Kong.