What Solo Travel Was Like Before Smartphones and Google Mapsedit
CN Traveler – Online
Kathy and I relied on poste restante for all communication wed send postcards to friends and family to let them know where wed be next, and they send mail to the post offices in those cities. Kathy was too weak to cycle from Kashgar so we took a train to Hong Kong and went straight to the post office. I learned there, from a huge pile of sympathy cards, that my dad had suffered a heart attack. Hed died weeks before I got the news.
Airlines, hotels stare at uncertain future: Careedit
Business Standard – Print – Mumbai
Care said the impact of Covid-19 could be seen across all verticals of the hotel and tourism sector leisure, adventure, heritage, cruise and corporate. Given the travel restrictions imposed by the Centre as well as governments across the globe, advance bookings for conferences and leisure travel to foreign destinations have already been cancelled.