‘Europe needs a break’: EU plots to restart travel and tourism despite Covid-19edit
The Economic Times – Online
Tourism, that normally contributes almost a tenth of the European Union’s economic output, is among the sectors hardest hit by the global outbreak that has grounded nearly all travel.
Virtual tourism: LA, Maldives livestream twilight calmedit
Hindustan Times – Online
To help with the anxiety, destinations are offering 3D virtual tours, high-quality immersive photographs and livestreaming local experiences, many people are touring from the comfort of their couch.
Sri Lanka to target high-spending tourists to revive tourismedit
The Financial Express – Online
The president emphasised the need to focus promoting medical tourism by highlighting the “successful efforts taken by Sri Lanka to contain the spread of the coronavirus.”
Greece to allow tourist arrivals starting July 1; conditions applyedit
The Times of India – Online
For all those tourists who love travelling to Europe or are yet to visit the continent for their first trip ever, Greece is one of those countries that are sure to give you a warm welcome starting 1 July.
“Goa may be the new Thailand, ” says Ritesh Agarwal as OYO pivots to a new strategy — ‘driving, and not flying, destinations’edit
Business Insider – Online
Indian hospitality unicorn OYO is probably one of the worst hit. With people not ready to fly anytime soon, OYO wants to capitalise on the tourism spots that people can drive to as a weekend getaways.
Ahoy, Balinese sistersedit
The Hindu Business Line – Print – Bangalore, Mumbai and Delhi
As the boat cruises and pierces through the swirly waters of the Indian Ocean, off the is land of Bali, the land afar flattens to a thin line sand wiched between the sky and the sea. Mount Agung fills this vastness with its au thoritative presence.
Selling pizza on Dubais Palm Jumeirah island was a perfect business. And then came Covidedit
The Print – Online
The Canadian entrepreneurs House of Pizza restaurant on the manmade Palm Jumeirah island had been restricted to delivery orders by government regulations to contain the Covid19 pandemic for most of April. Unable even to cover salaries in full as sales slumped 70%, the 49yearold gave each employee 1,000 dirhams ($272) to help them through.
Future Air Travel: Four-Hour Process, Self Check-In, Disinfection, Immunity Passesedit
Forbes – Online
Once airports and borders open again and people are able to fly freely — a process already in play as airports of all sizes around the world ready strategies to ensure healthy air travel — how much are you ready to change your flying habits?
Will virtual weddings become the next big trend in India?edit
Business World – Online
Over the last few weeks we have heard stories about couples getting married over video calls, will this become the new normal! Read what the experts have to say.
International Tourist Numbers could fall 60 to 80 per cent in 2020: UNWTO Reportsedit
Bw Hotelier Business World – Online
The COVID19 pandemic has caused a 22 per cent fall in international tourist arrivals during the first quarter of 2020, the latest data from the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) shows. According to the United Nations specialized agency, the crisis could lead to an annual decline of between 60 and 80 per cent when compared with 2019 figures.
People Have Passion For Travelling & Discoveringedit
Business World – Online
In the case of Covid-19 pandemic, the backbone of TRAVEL has been shaken – the confidence of a traveler and it will take some time to recover even after the pandemic is contained.
Lisa Haydon Lalvani describes her days in lockdown with her growing familyedit
Vogue – Online
We’ve never been fully in lockdown in Hong Kong since the start, a country that has already lived through SARS and knows how to deal with it on head-on, but having a newborn baby, we locked ourselves down from the get-go. I was making sure everyone was sanitising, changing their clothes outside the house, and washing and re-washing everything.
What is the Hong Kong model, and how did the city avoid a major coronavirus outbreak?edit
Free Press Journal – Online
Technology has been liberally used in the fight against the virus. From using Vapourised Hydrogen Peroxide (VHP) Robots to decontaminate train carriages and station to deploying Intelligent Sterilisation Robots (ISRs) at the Hong Kong International Airport (HKIA) to sterilize germs and viruses using a combination of UV light technology, 360-degree spray nozzles, and air filters – the country has taken many an innovative step. At Chek Lap Kok airport officials have set up a unique full-body disinfection channel facility, and autonomous cleaning robots wander the hallways.