Dubai to allow free movement, economic activity from tomorrowedit
Live Mint – Online
Dubai will begin allowing free movement and business activity to restart from Wednesday, Crown Prince Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed said on Monday. Starting Wednesday there will be no restrictions on movement or business operations between 6.00 am and 11.00 pm, the Dubai Media office said in a press release.
Meet ‘Thor’ Pedersen, a traveller who covered 194 countries without flying but is now stuck due to COVID-19edit
Zoom (Times Now News) – Online
Currently based out of Hong Kong, unfazed by the sudden halt to his plans, the traveller continues to marvel his fans with interesting insights on his experiences. While Thor did aim to stay in each country for at least 24 hours before moving further to the next stop, he has had to extend his stay in Hong Kong for more than 100 days now.
Life After Lockdown in Hong Kongedit
CN Traveler– Online
Over the past four months, Hong Kongs schools have been closed, the vast majority of professionals worked from home, and the streets were eerily empty. But more recently, residents have returned to restaurants and bars at hubs like Lan Kwai Fong or Peel Street, appreciating what feels like the light at the end of a very long tunnel. The city has reached nearly a month of zero or singledigit daily infections.