Exploring the world’s first Urban Quiet Park in Taiwan’s Taipeiedit
The Times of India – Online
The renowned poet Rumi once said, Listen to silence, it has so much to say. But silence is a far cry for city dwellers living amid car honks, and the smell of fuel. Now here comes the idea Urban Quiet Park, which promises people a quiet environment inside the city. Working on the same concept, the Yangmingshan National Park in Taiwan was officially certified as the world’s first Urban Quiet Park on June 5 (World Environment Day) by the government of Taiwan along with a California-based NGO.
Virus slows Dubai airport, worlds busiest for global traveledit
Live Mint – Online
Perhaps nowhere is the worlds lack of flights due to the coronavirus pandemic more clearly felt than at Dubai International Airport, for years the worlds busiest for international travel. Its Terminal 3, which sees tens of millions pass through it each year, stood empty and quiet on Wednesday, the oncefull departure board showing only seven flights for the sheikhdoms longhaul carrier Emirates.
Malaysia Airlines to resume international flights including Indiaedit
Defence Aviation Post, The Times of India – Online
Malaysia Airlines will restart some of its international flights in July to facilitate essential travel, allowing families who have not been able to reunite due to travel restrictions across the globe.
Atlantis Dubai Granted Prestigious AZA Accreditationedit
BW Hotelier Business World – Online
To coincide with World Oceans Day, Atlantis Dubai announces that it has been granted accreditation by the Association of Zoos & Aquariums (AZA). AZA is the independent accrediting organisation for the best zoos and the best aquariums in the world, assuring the public that when they visit an AZAaccredited facility, it meets the highest standards for animal care and welfare. There are now 240 AZAaccredited facilities worldwide, with just 23 of these members including Atlantis Dubai being outside of the USA.
A different roastedit
Mid Day – Online
A decadent banana bread, a home-cooked meal arranged in a thali just like mother’s, or a quick, gooey mug cake. There’s no denying the fact that food has been a major source of comfort in this hour of crisis; our social media feeds bear testimony to that. And so, when season 3 of Zomaland — aggregator app Zomato’s food carnival — which was scheduled for a launch this year hit a roadblock, the obvious choice was going digital.
Travel resumption and robust hygiene measures key for revival of travel and tourism in Singapore, says GlobalDataedit
Hotelier India – Online
“Singapore witnessed almost 100% decline in international tourist arrivals as only around 750 visitors arrived in April 2020. According to the Singapore Tourism Board (STB), the international tourist arrivals stood at approximately 1.6 million in April 2019.
Eiffel Tower all set to welcome tourists from June 25edit
The Times of India – Online
The iconic Eiffel Tower in Paris, which is also one of the most visited tourist attractions in the world, is all set to reopen for public from June 25. The attraction was shut due to the Coronavirus. This was for the second time since WWII that the Eiffel Tower was closed for more than three months.
Solo In South Korea: A guide to offbeat attractionsedit
The Times of India – Online
On one hand the pandemic may have halted the plans of those bitten by the travel bug; on the other hand, it has encouraged arm chair travellers to enjoy virtual tours of their favourite landmarks. Furthermore, many have been using this time productively to plan their getaway once the lockdown is lifted. Let’s face it; being bound to one’s home for duration of two months cannot be easy.
‘Sustainability as the New Normal’, Vision for Future of Tourismedit
BW Business World – Online
The One Planet Vision for the Responsible Recovery of the Tourism Sector builds on the UNWTO Global Guidelines to Restart Tourism, with the aim to emerge stronger and more sustainable from the COVID-19 crisis.
Future of Air Travel: Face Masks, Social Distancing, Health Checks and Long CheckInsedit
News 18 – Online
9/11 created a new environment for the entire travel industry in terms of security, explained Shukor Yusof from Malaysia based Endau Analytics. While the fallout from the 2001 attacks could be used as an indicator of what to expect, the COVID19 challenge was a far more serious… global event, he said.
Namaste, not handshakes: What tourists should expect when India reopens to travellersedit
The National – Online
India is closed to tourists. Like many countries around the world, its borders are currently sealed in an effort to prevent the spread of Covid-19.
But travel within the country, which has a population of nearly 1.4 billion, has restarted and tourism officials have created new rules and regulations designed to protect travellers and those working in the tourism industry.
Robust demand for air travel spells relief for domestic airlinesedit
Mint – Online
Robust demand for air travel spells relief for airlines that have suffered the most during the two-month lockdown and are now flying at near capacity. Flights of IndiGo, the country’s largest airline, are operating at capacity with overbooking in many sectors.