July 3, 2020


Thailand Resumes International Flight Services, Issues List of Covid19 Guidelines For Passengersedit

News 18 – Online

All inbound travellers will be subject to a mandatory 14day quarantine on their own expenses, said the Civil Aviation Authority of Thailand.

Thailand prepares to reopen five islands to touristsedit

CN Traveller – Online

Five of Thailands popular islands are slated to welcome international visitors in August: Phuket, Koh Phi Phi, Koh Samui, Koh Tao and Koh Phangan. Thailand allowed international flights (though not for leisure travel) from 1 July, after imposing a ban on 3 April to help curb coronavirus contagion.

Spore airport to offer travellers contactless safe experienceedit

Newsd – Online

Singapores Changi Airport has started deploying proximity sensors and other devices to provide passengers with contactless and safe experience, in preparation for the gradual resumption of air travel.


Air passenger demand drops 91.3% in Mayedit

Travel Biz Monitor – Online

According to the International Air Transport Association (IATA), passenger demand in May (measured in revenue passenger kilometers or RPKs), dropped 91.3% compared to May 2019. This was a mild uptick from the 94% annual decline recorded in April 2020. The improvement was driven by recovery in some domestic markets, most notably China.

8 ways to travel after The Great Pauseedit

CN Traveller – Online

Financial experts say that people are pivoting from spending on personal objects and events such as big weddings to having more meaningful experiences. Learning has replaced chilling. Or enhanced it at the very least.

Majority of hotel operators expect up to two-year revenue recovery period: JLLedit

India infoline , Business Today – Online

LL, the largest real estate consultancy firm in the country has recently conducted a survey with 15 leading hotel operators in India having adequate presence across hotel segments in both business and leisure markets. The survey was conducted to understand the effects of the pandemic on development and opening of new hotels, as well as the support required for the sustenance of the sector.


HKTB hosts world’s first global online forum on post-pandemic travel for Hong Kong, mainland and international marketsedit

Travel Trade Insider – Online

The Hong Kong Tourism Board (HKTB) recently hosted an online forum titled “Beyond COVID-19: Global Tourism’s New Normal” – the first event of its kind focusing on the post-pandemic tourism prospects for Hong Kong, Mainland, Asia, and the world.

Hong Kong loses two spots to become world’s sixth-costliest cityedit

WION News – Online

Hong Kong dropped two places and is now the world’s sixth-most expensive city for expats, according to a survey released on Wednesday. However, Singapore continues to maintain its position as the second-costliest place in Asia.

Hong Kong Tourism Board hosts global online forum on post-pandemic traveledit

Business Traveller – Online

Recently, the Hong Kong Tourism Board (HKTB) hosted a global online forum that focused on post-pandemic tourism prospects for Hong Kong, Mainland, and international travel markets.

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