July 9, 2020


Travel News Brand USA enthrals the Indian travel trade with American Independence Day virtual celebration on 3rd Julyedit

Travel Biz Monitor – Online

To commemorate the Independence Day of the United States of America (USA), Brand USA, the destination marketing organisation of the USA, organised a virtual celebration on July 3 for trade partners across India.

WTTC confers Safe Travels stamp on Dubaiedit

Travel Biz Monitor – Online

Dubai has been granted the WTTC Safe Travels stamp. This specially designed stamp will allow travellers to recognise governments and businesses around the world which have adopted health and hygiene global standardised protocols so consumers can experience Safe Travels.

When We Travel Again: 5 Places To Visit In Singaporeedit

Femina – Online

One of the busiest and most happening cities in Asia, Singapore is a hub for many things From tourism to trade, millions throng to the island nation every year With all its glamour, glitz, sights and sounds, its a little easy to get lost amid all the chaos.

From Dubai To New York: Explore The 21 Most Beautiful Metro Stations Across The Worldedit

India Times – Online

Metro trains, and public transport in general, is associated with utility and getting from one place to the other What metro stations might not necessarily be associated with, is architectural splendour especially underground metro stations But there are a lot of beautifully built metro and subway stations that also serve as tourist attractions But there are a lot of beautifully built metro and subway stations that also serve as tourist attractions (Dubai).

Thailand expects to delay plans for travel bubble on virus surgeedit

Hindustan TimesReuters  – Online

Thailand partially lifted a threemonth ban on foreign visitors this month and had been planning to further boost tourism, a key contributor to its economy, by creating travel bubbles later in the year with countries like Australia, New Zealand and Hong Kong that had managed to contain the virus.

Dubai opens for tourists amid the pandemicedit

Mint – Online

From French soccer jerseys to slick online campaigns, Dubai is trumpeting the fact that it reopened for tourism on Tuesday—but what that means for this sheikhdom that relies on the dollars, pounds, rupees, and yuan spent by travelers remains in question. (UAE)


Shared Determination to Restart Tourism and Drive Recovery: UNWTO Ministerial Meetingsedit

Travel Trends Today – Online

The five regional bodies of Member States of the UNWTO Regional Commission for Africa, Americas, Europe, Asia and the Pacific and the Middle East region met virtually for the first time ever.

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