August 31, 2020


COVID19: Singapore To Offer Free Virus Tests To Taxi Drivers, Food Delivery Workersedit

Republic World – Online

Amid the ongoing coronavirus pandemic that has wreaked havoc worldwide, frontline workers like public health workers, researchers, doctors, nurses, emergency service workers, and farmers etc. have been working tirelessly in these testing times. Reportedly, in a bid to expand the COVID19 testing regime, Singapore will offer free coronavirus tests to community groups such as taxi drivers, food delivery workers and hawkers.

For a few destinations, tourism is doing better than everedit

Live Mint – Online

The pandemic pummeled tourist hubs across the country this summer as families shunned the usual vacation hot spots, canceling flights and scrapping plans for beach getaways. But for some rustic destinations within a days drive of big U.S. cities, the coronavirus crisis unleashed a boom.

Thai policy could be eased further but negative rates not good option cenbank govedit

Reuters – Online

Thailands central bank could cut its monetary policy rate again in the event of further economic shocks but negative rates are not a good policy option, its governor said on Friday.

The Latest: Malaysia Extends Ban On Foreign Touristsedit

News 18The Financial Express – Online

Cases still rise in South Korea, Malaysia stays shut Federal Reserve pressed to expand aid to some businesses College towns growing alarmed over outbreaks among students French President Emmanuel Macron is urging European neighbors to better coordinate crossborder virus restrictions as infections surge. Multiple countries have imposed tests or quarantines on visitors from France.

Thailand Plans ReOpening for LongStay Foreignersedit

Live Mint, Bloomberg Quint – Online

Thailand is finalizing a plan that would make it possible for retired, sunseeking Europeans to spend the upcoming winter months in the country in an effort to save its ailing tourism industry.

Phuket and other tourist hotspots in Thailand plan to reopen this winteredit

Hindustan Times – Online

Thailand is finalizing a plan that would make it possible for retired, sunseeking Europeans to spend the upcoming winter months in the country in an effort to save its ailing tourism industry.

Malaysia sees advance hotel bookingsedit

Travel and Tour World – Online

The advance hotel bookings are on the rise for Malaysian hotels, even though international travel is off limits, as per latest report from travel technology leader eRevMax.

Emirates set to return to Bangkokedit

Travel and Tour World – Online

Emirates has announced that it is all set to resume passenger services to Bangkok with daily flights starting from September 1. The resumption of flights to Bangkok will expand Emirates current network to 78 cities in September, offering travellers in Europe, the Middle East, Africa and Asia Pacific convenient connections via Dubai to the popular Thai destination.


Corona crippled hospitality, tourismedit

The Hans India – Online

About 30 lakh people in the tourism sector lost their jobs across Karnataka due to the Covid19 pandemic since mid March, state Tourism Minister C.T. Ravi said. The coronavirus spread has taken away the livelihood of about 30 lakh people since it broke out in the state in mid March and rendered them jobless, as the Covidinduced lockdown and its extension with restrictions crippled the tourism sector, Ravi told reporters here.

ICC, WTTC issue Covid 19 restart guide for travel and tourism sectoredit

Business World – Online

The ICC WTTC guidance is divided into clear categories to help travel and tourism businesses restart their operations safely. From rebuilding trust and confidence with customers to preparing staff returning to workplaces, the guidance provides travel and tourism businesses with a checklist of considerations for reopening.


Walk from home: HK tour company moves online to survive pandemicedit

The Dispatch – Online

A Hong Kong tourism company has moved its walking tours online to reach a travel starved audience unable to explore new places due to coronavirus restrictions. The company, Walk in Hong Kong, runs free online tours in Cantonese focussed on local history and culture, with help from government subsidies and private donations.

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