January 2, 2021


New Years Eve fireworks around the worldedit

Bolly Inside – Online Web

Bangkok, Thailand News Highlights According to the source, this news is about New Years Eve fireworks around the world See photos Check all news and articles from the Hollywood news and latest updates.

Malls for peaceedit

The Indian Express – Online Web

Heres a sentence that would have seemed like fake news just a year ago: Thousands of Israeli tourists flocked to Dubai, even as Made in Israel alcohol has become ubiquitous on store shelves in the city. The UAE and Israel, after all, only fully normalised diplomatic relations as recently as September 2020.

Destinations that are famous for their New Years celebrations and fireworksedit

The Times of India – Online Web

Countdown to a brand new year has already begun While the whole world celebrates the New Years eve in all happy ways possible, some destinations have a welldeserved reputation for traditionally making New Years Eve all bright and shiny and glitzy While the whole world celebrates the New Years eve in all happy ways possible, some destinations have a welldeserved reputation for traditionally making New Years Eve all bright and shiny and glitzy (Bangkok).

Crowds fill streets in Chinas pandemichit Wuhan, celebrate New Yearedit

Reuters – Online Web

Large crowds took to the streets at midnight on Friday in the central Chinese city of Wuhan, celebrating the arrival of 2021 after a year marred by a deadly pandemic that killed thousands there and required the city to be locked down between the end of January and early April.

COVID19: Singapore imposes restrictions for travellers from South Africaedit

India News – Online Web

Singapore will restrict travel from South Africa given the deteriorating situation there. In a news release on Friday (1 January), the Ministry of Health (MOH) said that as of 11.59pm on Sunday (3 January), all longterm pass holders and shortterm visitors with recent travel history to South Africa within the last 14 days will not be allowed entry into, or transit through, Singapore.


Wine tourism happy with increasing footfall during year end Travel And Tour Worldedit

Travel and Tour World – Online Web

Wine tourism happy with increasing footfall during year end Published on : Friday, January 1, 2021 Nashik wine tourism once again bounced back towards the end of the year, after experiencing a year full of virus stress and lockdown anxiety. The countrys wine capital Nashik is alive almost after months and now welcoming tourists following the restrictions imposed due to the pandemic.

New York Times Square celebrates a quite New Years Eveedit

Travel and Tour World – Online Web

New York Times Square celebrates a quiet New Years Eve Published on : Friday, January 1, 2021 For the very first time in its history, Times Square in New York was empty on New Years Eve as only a handful number of people were allowed to be at the location due to the existing COVID19 restrictions.

American Airlines to bring back Boeing 737 Maxedit

Travel and Tour World – Online Web

American Airlines to bring back Boeing 737 Max Published on : Friday, January 1, 2021 Operated by American Airlines, the Boeing 737 Max has decided to resume passenger flights after being grounded for nearly two years following fatal crashes in 2018 and 2019. The plane recently made a trip from Miami to LaGuardia in New York without incident.


Best things to do in Hong Kong this Januaryedit

Time Out – Online Web

One of our favourite cartoonists, Joan Cornell, is back! In collaboration with Hong Kongbased creative studio AllRights Reserved, the Contemporary Showcase: My Life Is Pointless by Joan Cornell is an exhibition featuring a total of 48 pieces of artworks by the artist, making it his biggest solo exhibition ever in Hong Kong.

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