March 1, 2021


Pandemic Affected Tourists Behaviour: Studyedit

Ommcom News – Online Web

The study, published in the journal Annals of Tourism Research, indicated that postpandemic tourism could curb our motivation for new adventures. We found that a Covid19 threat also made people overestimate the crowdedness of public spaces and feeling uncomfortable in crowded places like restaurants or shopping malls, said researcher Florian Kock from Copenhagen Business School.

Covidhit tourism industry sees happy summer this timeedit

The Times of India – Online Web

With the Covid19 situation having considerably improved across the country, the travel and tourism industry is pinning hopes on a happy summer Domestic leisure travel, which has already touched 75% of its precovid business mark, would fetch more bookings yearonyear in the next twothree months as summer vacation begins, feel travel operators

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