Where Does India Stand When It Comes to Yoga Tourismedit
The Wire – Online Web
Indonesia 542Spain 459Thailand 300United States 252 / Portugal 250Contrary to Drishti Yogas assertion, the data shows that India has the largest number of retreats and YTTCs. At the regional level, India has 46% market share and 23% of the global total. Within India, more than half of the offered retreats are located in, or around, Rishikesh.
Thailands 5Star Hotels Squeeze Small Operators With Discountsedit
Bloomberg Quint – Online Web
Tourist arrivals to Thailand slumped to 6 7 million in 2020 their lowest level in at least a dozen years, down from nearly 40 million in 2019 and could fall as low as 3 2 million this year, according to the governments economic planning agency.
Thailand intends easing quarantine rules for tourists to revive industry Travel And Tour Worldedit
Travel and Tour World – Online Web
Thailand intends easing quarantine rules for tourists to revive industry Published on : Tuesday, March 9, 2021 Thailand is planning to relax quarantine rules for foreign visitors from next month as part of a series of steps being considered to revive the nations tourism sector, according to media reports.
TAT targeting revenue of Bt1.218 trillion this year from tourismedit
Travel and Tour World – Online Web
The Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) is targeting revenue of Bt1.218 trillion this year from the tourism sector focusing principally on domestic tourism. The TAT Governor Yuthasak Supasorn said that his organization plans to focus less on revenue from foreign travelers, and more on domestic tourists.
Singapore bubble business hotel welcomes first guestsedit
Devdis Course – Online Web
Singapore has launched a travel bubble business hotel that allows executives to do facetoface meetings without a risk of exposure to the coronavirus, in one of the worlds first such facilities. The hotel has meeting rooms outfitted with airtight glass panels to reduce the risk of transmission and even has a special compartment with an ultraviolet light to sanitise documents so they can be shared between participants
Singapore Airlines to Become First Company to Pilot IATAs Travel Pass App for Health Verificationedit
News 18 – Online Web
Singapore Airlines will become the worlds first airline to pilot the International Air Transport Associations Travel Pass mobile application trials for digital health verification. This is the second phase of trials. SIA had trialled the first phase of its digital health verification process based on IATAs Travel Pass framework, in December 2020.
FNB News IIHTTRC 2021 focused on ReStrategising Hospitality & Tourism: Through Food, Facilities & Filmsedit
FNB News – Online Web
The day two of the conference began with the key note speech of Dr Yanki Hartijasti (Department of Management Faculty of Economics and Business University, Indonesia.) She delivered a keynote on Impact of Covid19 Pandemic on tourism industry, in which she mentioned about severe economic downturns for the Indonesian tourism industry.
Dubai Airport Introduces Iris Scanners to Verify Passenger Identification, Reduce Human Interactionedit
News 18 – Online Web
Dubais airport, the worlds busiest for international travel, can already feel surreal, with its cavernous duty-free stores, artificial palm trees, gleaming terminals, water cascades and near Arctic levels of air conditioning.
China launches Covid travel passedit
Hindustan Times – Online Web
China has launched a digital Covid19 vaccination certificate for its citizens planning crossborder travels, joining other countries issuing similar documents as they seek ways to reopen their economies. As vaccines are globally being rolled out, a few countries including Bahrain have already introduced certificates identifying vaccinated people, and the EU agreed to develop vaccine passports under pressure from tourismdependent southern countries.
Canadas tourism suffers unprecedented lossesedit
SiaSat -Online Web
Canadas tourism economy suffered unprecedented losses in 2020 due to the Covid19 pandemic and is by far the most threatened sector in the countrys economy, it was revealed. In a statement issued on Monday, Destination Canada said that from April to November 2020, revenues from air transportation for passengers fell 91 per cent and accommodation revenues plummeted by 71 per cent, reports Xinhua news agency.
Travel News India needs to focus on its infrastructure to organise large format MICE events, say industry expertsedit
Travel Biz Monitor – Online Web
Disruption in travel has not only impacted tourism, but MICE, as well. The importance of MICE and International tourists to the Indian economy is significant. Due to the multiple travel restrictions brought about by the pandemic, MICE bookings had been on the decline since the past year.
Tourist bookings rise as Cyprus, Portugal reopen to UK travellers Travel And Tour Worldedit
Travel and Tour World – Online Web
A spokesperson for the Association of Specialist Travel Companies said that Greece has been top of the pops since the countrys minister for tourism, HarisTheoharis, said last month that UK visitors would be welcome. Theoharis said that the country is working on a plan to make this happen from May.
RARE India and Eco Team Sri Lanka to promote Eco Friendly Travel Experiencesedit
Travel Trends Today – Online Web
Speaking about this partnership, RARE Indias Founder Shoba Mohan said, While looking at increasing our footprint in the subcontinent our focus is to find a partner who believed in what we believed in, Eco Teams small boutique safari Lodges and camps are just perfect for the RARE in Sri Lanka.
Greece to welcome vaccinated and COVIDnegative tourists from Mayedit
Devdis Course – Online Web
People who are vaccinated against COVID19, have antibodies or test negative can travel to Greece this summer, Tourism Minister Harry Theocharis said on Tuesday. Tourism is a major income earner for Greece, which has led calls for an EUwide vaccination certificate to help unlock travel.
WHO advises against using vaccine passports for international traveledit
News Bytes App – Online Web
Information China, Thailand ready to bring such passports into effect soon According to the Global Times, China is set to approve such health certificates that will hold information about a persons inoculation record and will allow a safe persontoperson exchange.