Thailand welcomes Indians with greater new normal confidence’edit
The Economic Times ET Panache – Online Web
India is one of Thailand’s most rapidly growing market and the biggest source market for visitors from South East Asia. There has been growth in the number of high spending Indian tourists visiting Phuket for weddings, incentive trips, and high end events. The destination has a lot more to offer other than just its natural heritage sea, sky, sand and world renowned diving sites.
Thailand Keeps Rate at Record Low, Cuts GDP Outlook With Tourism Stallededit
Bloomberg Quint – Online Web
The baht was down almost 0 3% against the dollar after the decision, heading for its lowest close since early November, while the benchmark stock index was up 0 2% The currency, which rose 5 8% against the dollar in the final three months of 2020, is down 3 8% against the dollar in the final three months of 2020, is down 3(Thailand).
Sanitised holidays, Workcations, Roadtrips, New fave destinations: Ways Covid19 transformed traveledit
The Times of India – Online Web
Couples would earlier throng to honeymoon favourite destinations like Thailand, Bali and Greece However, they now feel their own country is equally quaint and beautiful It seems like times have moved two decades back when it comes to the choice of honeymoon destinations
In Pictures and Video: Indian Pavilion at Expo 2020 Dubaiedit
India Today – Online Web
Expo 2020 Dubai is scheduled to be staged from October 1, 2021, to March 31, 2022, and India is ready to showcase its business, technological, cultural, art, and leadership strength to the world during this mega event.
Guess What Dubai Food Festival is Backedit
Outlook – Online Web
For a city known for its nightlife and snazzy dining scene throbbing in its swanky hotels and malls and breath taking architectural delights, its only natural that one wait for its much vaunted food festival with bated breath. And that wait is over nowthe Dubai Food Festival is here to take you through the citys pulsating culinary accomplishments, from highend dining to creative food concepts and undiscovered delights and tantalising upandcomers. So, get those lips smacking already.
Travel News Philippines to curb surging Covid19 infections with targeted restrictionsedit
Travel Biz Monitor – Online Web
Philippine authorities prefer smaller, targeted restrictions over a hard lockdown to support the economy while trying to contain surging coronavirus infections, reports Bloomberg. It will be a disaster for the country if you close everything, President Rodrigo Duterte said in a livestreamed briefing Monday evening.
Qatar Airways become official airline sponsor of the Global Surgical and Medical Support Group Travel And Tour Worldedit
Travel and Tour World – Online Web
Qatar Airways become official airline sponsor of the Global Surgical and Medical Support Group Published on : Wednesday, March 24, 2021 Qatar Airways is pleased to announce it has become the Official Airline Sponsor of the Global Surgical and Medical Support Group (GSMSG) to support its efforts in providing medical relief to vulnerable communities around the world.
Mallorcas Easter revival masks a slow, painful recovery for Spanish tourismedit
Devdis Course – Online Web
German tourists flocking to the sunny shores of Mallorca for Easter are a boon for a few local businesses, but closed hotels and restaurants across the island are a reminder that Spains tourism sector is still years away from full recovery.
London Luton Airport welcomes funding for UK airspace modernization programmeedit
Travel and Tour World – Online Web
London Luton Airport welcomes funding for UK airspace modernization programme Published on: Wednesday, March 24, 2021, London Luton Airport (LLA) recently welcomed an announcement by the Department for Transport (DoT) that the government is to provide funding to get a UK airspace modernisation program back on track.
Costa Cruises delays return until Mayedit
Travel and Tour World – Online Web
The departure date of Costa Luminosa, the second Costa ship scheduled to resume service, is postponed to May 16 from Trieste, and the following day from Bari, confirming its program of oneweek cruises in Greece and Croatia, in accordance with recent roadmap for the resumption of international tourism in Greece.