News for the IET
What Indian MSMEs want to see in the upcoming budget, a wish-listedit
With just days to go before the next Lok Sabha elections, the national Budget to be presented by Finance Minister Arun Jaitley on February 1 will be an interim one. Given the recent slew of initiatives and measures launched by the government to boost the MSME sector in India, all stakeholders (MSMEs, i.e.) are eagerly anticipating more initiatives and measures that will not only accelerate the sector’s growth further but also make it more friction-free.
IETMSMEIndustry News: Information and Communications
Digital Transformation Reality Checkedit
When choosing a CSP, enterprises should look for a partner that has invested in upgrading its own network to support digital transformation initiatives, as well as emerging technologies like Internet of Things (IoT) and SDN. A trusted partner should not only deliver the expertise necessary to help your business overcome the barriers to digital transformation, but also the four S of digital transformation: scale, scope, services, and support, by both accommodating current needs and anticipating future requirements.
Digital TransformationDigital Transformation in 2019: Prepare or perish!edit
According to Seagate, 2018 wound down with 33 zettabytes of data getting generated. According to an IDC study sponsored by Seagate, this number is set to grow to around 175 zettabytes by 2025. The regular suspects technologies like AI, machine learning and IoT will hugely contribute this deluge of data.
Digital TransformationIndustry News: Future of Mobility
A Fairer Future of Work: ILO Pushes for a ‘Human-Centred Agenda’ in the Age of AIedit
Publication: The Wire
Are our skills becoming increasingly outdated? Is the gig economy creating precarious jobs? The rapidly transforming world of work has made headlines of these social anxieties. This week, as the International Labour Organisation (ILO) prepared for the centenary of its founding, it urged its 187 member states to commit to a vision for a ‘human-centred agenda’ to deal with the rapid and unprecedented transformation in the world of work.
Future of WorkFrom the current to the future!edit
Despite the woeful lack of pointers in the direction of electrification, it would seem that the age of electric vehicles (EVs) is still due to arrive on our shores within the next few years. Not because of the Government’s ambitious targets for the next decade and the steps being taken to realise them, but simply because the automobile industry believes that India too will follow the low-carbon footsteps that are being taken by the other big car markets of the world such as China, US and Japan.
e-vehiclesCan bring in EVs into India quickly if policy framework is clear: Kiaedit
The company is preparing to launch its first model in India by middle of this year. In India, the company is already working with the Andhra Pradesh government to support, promote and contribute in developing the EV infrastructure.
EVIndustry News: Future of Work
Working for a brighter future: We stand at a crossroads as seismic shifts take place in the world of workedit
Technological advances are changing the nature of many jobs, and leading to the need for new skills. The urgently required greening of economies to meet the challenge of climate change should bring further employment possibilities. Expanding youth populations in some parts of the world, ageing populations in others, may affect labour markets and social security systems. On one path, countless opportunities lie ahead, not only to create jobs but also to improve the quality of our working lives. This requires that we reinvigorate the social contract that gives all partners a fair stake in the global economy.
Future of Work