Company News
Being CFO to me means to execute, execute and execute!edit
Think long term, think like an entrepreneur, find a way to help, say “Yes” more often than “No” but hold your ground (in areas of governance, integrity etc) when needed.
Publication: The Economic Times
Date: October 30, 2017
Calligraphy With Urban Ladderedit
Urban Ladder calls you over to its store on the 4th of November, to get chummy with the craft of Calligraphy. Most of us have gone through a Calligraphy phase in school, when our letters suddenly developed elaborate curls and curves. With this workshop, you can learn these flourishes the legit way! Why go back to a childhood time pastime now that you are adulting? Well, for one, Calligraphy has long been touted as a meditative art
Publication: Events High
Date: October 30, 2017
Competition and Industry News
Being CFO to me means to execute, execute and execute!edit
Think long term, think like an entrepreneur, find a way to help, say “Yes” more often than “No” but hold your ground (in areas of governance, integrity etc) when needed.
Publication: The Economic Times
Date: October 30, 2017
How global companies are leading the way on LGBTI inclusionedit
The world is seeing a worrying backlash against the freedoms of lesbian, gay, bi, trans and intersex (LGBTI) people. While great progress has been made towards inclusion in many countries, millions of people are living with the threat of arrest, harassment or physical violence because of their sexual orientation or gender identity.
Date: October 30, 2017