January 10, 2024

Technology in Agriculture

The “Drone Moment” of Indian Agricultureedit

Rising Kashmir

Travelling through the verdant serenity of the lush green fields of Punjab, my attention was drawn towards a distant buzzing sound. Curious to know the source, I got down from my vehicle, to be greeted by two rustic farmers operating a drone for spraying liquid Nano Urea. I was pleasantly surprised to see such an enthusiastic acceptance of a new concept by the farmers in a rural corner of the country.


‘Makki ka Achar’ is new Favourite of Cattle Rearers in Punjabedit

News Click

Farmers and cattle rearers have turned to silage-making using green corn to fulfil the nutritional needs of cattle in the wake of wheat shortage, thus earning good milk yields even in summers while reducing own labour.

Tractor industry

Tractors enter slow lane after having a field dayedit

Autocar Professional

Tractors are fast supplanting traditional bullock carts and manual labour, as renting a tractor or owning a low-horsepower (hp) model is cost-effective. Moreover, they generate rental income and help increase cropping intensity, allowing for the cultivation of multiple crops on the same parcel of land. Tractor penetration in India stood at an estimated 1.5 hp/hectare (ha) in fiscal 2022. In developed countries, this figure is estimated at 3-4 hp/ha, resulting in superior crop yields compared to India. Notably, even China, with an average landholding size of 0.6 ha, boasts tractor penetration of 4.1 hp/ha.

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